My Singapore  Itinerary

Singapore Itinerary

Tips on creating a customized travel  itinerary

To start off I plot the exact dates along with the respective days on an excel sheet. This provides a fair idea as to how can weekends and weekdays be divided at maximum capacity. Hourly breakup on an excel sheet is crucial to understand how can the total hours be dedicated to planning, exploration, commute & experience.

Allotting heavily crowded tourist destinations over the weekdays can help saving up on time while offering better experience of the same. Certain tickets also offer better weekday pricing comparatively. Local clubs / party places can be explored during the weekends to soak in the best vibes.

While it is essential to jot down a detailed itinerary, it can always be tweaked depending upon weather conditions, unforeseen scenarios or any change in plans.

As they rightly say, always be open to unplanned trips and adventures.

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